Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Spotty Blog Launch!

Hello and welcome to the first Spotty Blog entry for the Spotty Dog Cakery-very exciting!

The idea behind the Blog is so that I can chronicle the setting up, launch and (hopefully!) future plans of the Cakery. Also, I thought it would be great to post some of my baking recipes (mostly cakes and biscuits) that I really love but won’t necessarily be selling through the Cakery.

See you soon with my second post-in the meantime, if anyone has any feedback, please let me know- I always love to talk Cake!

Scarlett x


  1. Good luck with the blog - can't wait to see what you bake!

  2. Rebecca 'Scarlett', this blog is amazing! It is so YOU and so inspirational...I am getting extremely hungry just looking at it!! xxx
